What Every Pilot Should Know about Oxygen
What is Air?
The air surrounding us is a mixture of gases consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The remaining 1% is made up of argon, carbon dioxide, and traces of rare gases.
What is Oxygen?
Under normal conditions, pure oxygen is a…

What Can You Tell Me About Cylinder Hydro Testing?
What can you tell me about cylinder hydro testing?
All DOT-approved pressure cylinders require testing at regular intervals. This is to ensure that no unsafe condition exists that would preclude it from performing to its next inspection interval.…

Does Your Pulse Oximeter Mean What It Says?
Does Your Pulse Oximeter Mean What it Says? (Does Your Spouse?)
By Dr. Daniel L Johnson
Originally Published in Soaring Rx, Jun 2012 (Section titles added by Mountain High)
How Useful is a Pulse Oximeter?
FAR 91.211 requires supplemental…

What Is the Difference Between Standard and Flare-tip Cannulas?
What is the difference between standard and flare-tip cannulas?
A: In short, flare-tip cannulas more easily trigger a pulse from the EDS pulse-demand oxygen system.
As you know EDS stands for our Electronic Delivery System (Pulse-Demand™.)…

Are Medical and Welder’s Oxygen Different Than Aviation Oxygen?
Q: Is it true that medical and welder's oxygen differ from aviation oxygen?
A: There are no different grades of oxygen being produced or contained in cylinders under DOT regulations.
Contrary to common myth, medical oxygen contained…

Why Is My EDS Alarm Going Off?
EDS Alarm Going Off with Almost Every Breath
Every once in a while, our service department will get an EDS unit sent to us from a customer who complains about the Apnea Alarm (Alert) going off almost every time a breath is requested…

I would like to replace my old steel oxygen cylinder in my type-certified aircraft with a new light-weight kevlar bottle. Can this be done?
Yes, this can be successfully done using our MH-1 adapter. However, it is extremely important that the proper procedures be taken in order to receive an FAA-337 for this task.

How is Oxygen Saturation in the Body Affected When Altitude Increases?
How is Oxygen Saturation in the Body Affected When Altitude Increases?
At sea level, oxygen saturation in the blood is approximately 95%, which does not appreciably decrease up to pressure altitudes of 10,000 ft., at which point it decreases…

In Simple Terms, What Happens During Rapid Decompression?
In Simple Terms, What Happens During Rapid Decompression?
Air at sea level will expand to 5 times its volume at 40,000 ft. Lung capacity is approximately 6 liters. Therefore, during rapid decompression, a continuous exhalation is experienced.…

Why Does an EDS Cost as Much as an iPhone?
Why Does an EDS Cost as Much as an iPhone?
Why does the EDS cost as much as a smartphone that seems to be just as, if not more, complicated than the EDS unit?
What They Share in Common
The EDS and a smartphone both contain sophisticated,…

If My Oxygen System Has More Than One Oxygen Cylinder And They Share a Common Manifold What Will the Pressure Read? Why Does the Pressure Drop a Little Sometime After the Fill?
If my oxygen system has more than one oxygen cylinder and they share a common manifold, what will the pressure read? Why does the pressure drop a little sometime after the fill?
Regardless of the size of, or number of, oxygen bottles…

What type of fitting do I need to fill my built-in oxygen system?
In the U.S. there are two (2) standard fittings used to fill oxygen systems: "AN" and SAE AS1046 or "SCOTT"
The older, but most common type of connector, is a 3/8-24 threaded fitting sometime known as the "AN" type. Our TA-380-N &…